Relax, don't worry, have a home-brew Home-brew is like working in the cleanroom let me prove it.. Cleanroom Prepare supplies Wafers, tweezers, photoresists... Clean the surface O2 plasma, ethanol, ultrasound... Plan the experiment Step-by-step. Volume. Concentration. Temperature. Follow the procedure Spin-coat, bake, wait, expose, spin-coat, etch, bake, clean, soak, wait, etch, spin-coat. Package Enjoy the results Homebrewing Preparing supplies Grains, Hops, hose, pots... Sanitize everything Bleach, sanitizers, etc.. Plan the procedure Step-by-step. Volume. Concentration. Temperature. Follow the procedure Heat up, add grains, mash, heat up, wait, boil, add hops, wait, rack, wait, mix... Package Enjoy the results ...My recipes will follow...